graphics processing unit (GPU)

  DefiNITIOn  graphics processing unit (GPU) A  graphics processing unit  ( GPU ) is a specialized electronic circuit designed to rapidly manipulate and alter memory to accelerate the creation of images in a frame buffer intended for output to a display device. GPUs are used in embedded systems, mobile phones, personal computers, workstations, and game consoles. Modern GPUs are very efficient at manipulating computer graphics and image processing. Their highly parallel structure makes them more efficient than general-purpose central processing units (CPUs) for algorithms that process large blocks of data in parallel. In a personal computer, a GPU can be present on a video card or embedded on the motherboard. In certain CPUs, they are embedded on the CPU die. [1] In the 1970s, the term "GPU" originally stood for graphics processor unit and described a programmable processing unit independently working from the CPU and responsible for graphics manipulation and

Business communications & IT Application


What is meant by communication and what is its definition ? Or What is business communication? How will you define it ?

Introduction :

Individuals spend nearly three-fourth of their working hours in some kind of communicating activity, reading, writing, speaking, listening etc.Communication is the very basic phenomenon that pervades all human interactions. Since communication has always been regarded as the most
crucial ingredient of business success.

Business communication defined :

The term communication comes from the Latin word "communis" which means common. Communication refers to the commonness or sharing of information ideas, facts, opinion, attitudes and understanding. Communication essentially means transmission of commonly meaningful information.
   The American Management Association defines Business communication as "Any behaviour that results in an exchange of meaning".
   Some social scientists are content to define it as an exchange of information whereas some go a step further to define it as the process of passing information and understanding from one person to another."
  Vardman describes a design for effective communication and says "Effective communication is purposful symbolic interchange resulting in workable understanding and agreement between the sender and the receiver".
     Vardman and Halterman provides a very comprehensive nature of communication and says, " Effective communication is purposive symbolic interchange resulting in workable understanding and agreement between the sender and the receiver.
                  Baird views communication as "the process involving the transmission
and reception of symbols eliciting meaning in the minds of the participants by making common their life experiences".
    Peter Drucker identified four fundamentals of Business Communication.which show the nature of the process.

i) Business communication is perception : This implies that it is only the recipient who communicates because if he doesn't perceive what is transmitted, no communication is limited to the recipient range of perception.

ii) Business communication is expectation : People perceive only what they expect. The unexpected is ignored or misunderstood.

iii) Business communication makes demands :
Experiments have shown that words with unpleasent emotional charge or threats tend to be suppressed while those with pleasant association are retained longer. In other words B. communication makes demands on the recipient in terms of his emotional preference or rejection. It also demands him to become somebody or do something.

iv)Business communication andInformation are different :
Information is logic, formal and impersonal while communication is perception. The less tied up information is with human factors the more valid and reliable it becomes. However, both these are interdependent.
Peter Little calls Business communication as a "chameleon word" one that changes its meaning and application with each person who uses it. Nature of communication is complex and its scope is very broad. If
the study of Business communication is enlarged to provide a deep and insightful knowledge, it would include the entire gamut of psychological subdisciplines like perception, cognition,linguisthics,motivation etc. It would also extend into organisational areas such as structure, hierarchy authority and management function.

Describe the process of communication and identify its key components ?
Elaborate the communication process in action and explain its essential elements.

Ans : Communication process is the method by which a sender reaches a receiver with a message. The communication process involves three basic elements.

a) Sender (Communicator)
b) Receiver (Communicatee )
c) Message (Communication contents)
Three elements can be summarised as:
Thus, communication always involves two people a sender and a receiver. A person cannot communicate alone. There must be a receiver on the other end to receive the transmission.

Transmission of a message by a sender is only a beginning of the process. Until the message is received communication remains incomplete.Thus, for example there will be no communication when a manager sends out bulletins until they have been received and read by the targeted party. Simply stated the communication process involves the sender the transmission of a message through a selected channel and the receiver.
  Organizational communication is purposeful communication that aims at achieving effects in the mind of receiver. It involves a meeting of the minds for the purpose of conveying information instilling a belief, inducing emotion or eliciting behaviour.
Thus there are five basic questions involved in understanding communication process :
         who ?.......... says what ? whom?.......through which channel
with what effect.


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